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Jockey Bartender Night

June 27, 2025 from 06:00pm to 08:00pm

Join us after the races Friday, June 27 from 6-8pm to raise money for the Permanently Disabled Jockeys Fund. Your favorite jockeys will be serving ice-cold drinks all night! All tips go to charity.

Enjoy great drinks, food, raffle items and much more!

No cover.

Come meet your favorite jockeys and help raise money for a great cause!

More information to be announced.


Charity Party Information
6-8pm, times may vary depending on the amount of races.
No cover.
No pets allowed.
FREE Parking.
No coolers allowed.
Race Day Information
First race is 12:50pm.
FREE Parking.
General Admission just $6.
Children 12 and younger are FREE.
No pets allowed.
Coolers and BYO is only permitted in the picnic area.